“The predictions about August 2008 with verifing link’s”
The following predictions, from upload at August 5th 2008
The following astrological predictions are possible to happen at these areas of planet, and are valid for the chronological period ,August 5th 2008 up to August 5th 2008
sudan darfur, turkey istanbul, syria halab damascus highlans golan, lebanon jordan israel common border of them. egypt cairo, france paris, strait gibraltar, geneva, munich, vienna, bulgaria, spain madrid, greece aegean sea moscow bratislava senegal, south africa, nairobi somalia, yemen, iran teheran, pakistan karachi, afghanistan uzbekistani, india bombay mangalore madras bangalore pordandar thailand indonesia sumatra java philippines japan south korea taegu kunsan china lanzhou qiingdao australia brisbane darwin chile santiago peru lima brazil rio de janeiro porto allegre salvador mexico monclova mexico city usa portland or las vegas detroit mi, or at planet places at: 66n, 62n, 55n, 48-47-46n, 42n, 35n, 33n, 26n, 19n, 17n, 16n, 12n, 10s, 12-13s, 17s, 19s, 27s, 32s, 36s, 46s, +- 3 degree.
5 Αύγουστου 2008 - Aug 5 2008
Possible places only for that prediction:
israel egypt sinai poland holland turkey izmir greece aegean sea brussels lisbon libya sudan kenya somalia south africa saudi arabia jeddah afghanistan kabul india surat raipan indonesia sumatra medan malaysia japan kagoshima osaka hiroshima vietnam hanoi china dalian shangahi taiwan brazil sao paolo santos belo horizonte fortaleza curibita mexico cancun merida los angeles, or at planet places 62n, 57n, 47n, 38n, 34n, 24n, 21n, 17n, 3n, 3s, 20s, 24s, 34s, 38s, +- 3 degree.
The most important astrological influence for this period are the associations between the planets, of Mercury N.N. of the moon, Venus Pluto, Mercury Mars and the Ingress of Venus into Virgo, this is expected to happen: for Aug 5th 2008, with beginning time on Aug 4th 2008 at time 11:00 G.M.T or U.T. and ending time on Aug 6th 2008 at 06:00 G.M.T or U.T. possible accidents on journey or public transportations, perhaps on sea area or ear coastline. Explosion with fire and injured, also is possible the strong earthquake activities.
Chinese border assault kills 16
New quake hits Chinese province
Three killed in China aftershock
Pakistan 'school bombers' killed
7η Αύγουστου 2008 – Aug 7th 2008
Possible places only for that prediction:
u.k. edinburrg dublin, madrid moscow, minsk, riga, yemen, liberia, mayritania, sri lamka, india bombay dyne indonesia java oman hong kong venezuela caracas bolivia mexico acapulco mexico city villa hermosa jamaica puerto rico, usa oklahoma city ok france paris rio de janeiro turkey instanbul south africa greece aegean sea Rhodes island, or at planet place: 61n, 57n, 53n, 19n, 17s, 52s, 55s, 57s, 61s, 63s, +- 3 degree
The most important astrological influence for this period is the associations between Mars – Neptune, this is expected to happen: for Aug 7th 2008, with beginning time on Aug 6th 2008 at 22:00 G.M.T or U.T. and ending time on Aug 8th 2008 at time 15:00 G.M.T or U.T. possible strong earthquake activities, accidents on aircraft from sabotage, or on public transportation at trip possible accidents with injuries on sea area. Also is strong the event of fire or suffocation, is bold the possibilities of youth people.
Deadly clash in tribal Pakistan
Day-by-day: Georgia-Russia crisis
Seven dead in Czech train crash
9η Αύγουστου 2008 – Aug 9th 2008
Possible places only for that prediction:
u.k. glasgow edinburg riga moscown israel madagascar senegal dakar angola india hyderabad sri lanka taiwan japan philippines manila java brazil salvador sao paol santos rio de janeiro bolivia la paz vnezuela caracas mexico durango usa portland or los angeles ca zimbabwe harare, or at planet places at 63n, 57n, 49n, 45n, 24n, 18n, 14n, 11n, 10s, 12s, 17s, 22s, 24s, 45s, +- 3 degree
The most important astrological influence for this period is the association of mercury with the Pluto an Jupiter, and the ingress of mercury into Virgo, this expected to happen: for Aug 9th 2008, with beginning time on Aug 9th 2008 at time 07:00 G.M.T or U.T. and ending time on 10th August 2008 at 17:00 G.M.T or U.T. possible earthquake activities, also is possible the military actions with injuries, perhaps sabotage on move on leader person military or politics, perhaps kidnapping or assassination, is bold the youth people.
Militants kill Pakistani police
12η Αύγουστου 2008 – Aug 12th 2008
Possible places only for that prediction:
france paris algeries tynis lisbon greece south peloponussus rhodes island israel egypt alexandria cemaroun nigeria keneya india hyderabad bombay calcuta indonesia sumatra java china shanghai vietnam saigon australia canbera broome eguador peru lima venezuela caracas usa los angeles san francisco, or at planete places at 60n, 48n, 46n, 36n, 31n, 18n, 10n, 4n, 00n, 4s, 7s, 10s, 17s, 30s, 35s, 45s, 48s, 55s, +- 3 degree.
The most important astrological influence for this period is the association of Venus with Saturn, this is expected to happen: for Aug 12th 2008, with beginning time on Aug 11th 2008 at time 12:00 G.M.T or U.T. and ending time on Aug 13th 2008 at time 17:00 G.M.T or U.T. Possible strong undersea level earthquake, possible accidents with injuries on sea trip, explosions from mistakes or sabotage with fire and victims.
Turkish soldiers killed in blast
Police fire on Kashmir protesters
Bomb hits Pakistan air force bus
Protesters shot dead in Kashmir
UK soldier dies in Afghan attack
14η Αύγουστου 2008 – Aug 18th 2008
Possible places only for that prediction:
indonesia sumatra medan banjarmasin palenbong uk london italy rome spain barcelona turkey instanbul egypt cairo alexandria india delhi china fushun shanghai chengdon japan brazil brasilia porto alegre rio de janeiro belo horizonte fortaleza manaue peru lima colombia cali medelin usa houston tx new orleans la virginia beach va hartford ct mexico mexico city, or at planet places at 51n, 41n, 30n, 28n, 19n, 3n, 3s, 16s, 29s, 41s, 45s, 61s, +- 3 degree
The most important astrological associations for this period are between Sun Neptune, Mercury Saturn, this is expected to happen, for Aug 14th 2008, with beginning time on Aug 14th 2008 at time 13:30 G.M.T or U.T. and ending time on Aug 15th 2008 at time 22:00 G.M.T or U.T. military actions from people under command, perhaps sabotage with injuries leader person, maybe religious leader, also is possible the strong earthquake activities.
17η Αύγουστου 2008 - Aug 16th 2008
Possible places only for that prediction:
brussels turkey ankara ismir ankara, prague poland katowice spain madrid barcelona egypt alexandria albania greece larissa rhodes island ionian sea and this island lake pambotida kenya sudan north korea indinesia island borneo sulawesi sumatra java malaysia singapore brazil belem new zealand eguador peru lima colombia cali medelin san salvador usa denver co indianapolis in st louse mo st josseph mo lisbon china beijing yinchuan japan north, or at planete places 65n, 61n, 50n, 41n, 39-38n, 18n, 1n, 1s, 17s, 39s, 50s, 55s, 59s, +- 3 degree
The most important astrological associations for this period are between, Moon Sun, Venus Jupiter, Mars Pluto, mercury Jupiter, this is expected to happen, for Aug 16th 2008, with beginning time on Aug 16th 2008 at time 16:00 G.M.T or U.T. and ending time on Aug 18th 2008 at time 10:00 g.m.t strong earthquake activities, perhaps military actions with injuries and explosion, maybe air raid activities. Possible sabotage on leader person.
Five killed as two planes collide
Somali minibus attack toll rises
Turkish warplanes 'bomb PKK base'
S Lankan army 'takes rebel base'
19η Αύγουστου 2008 – Aug 19th 2008
Possible places only for that prediction:
cuprus france marselie egupt cairo sinai ethiopia kenya tanzania south afraca syria damascus afghanistan indinesia medan sumatra java malasia kuala lumbur australia sydney brazil santos sao paolo porto alegre chile santiago fortaleza salvador colombia cali usa milwaukee mempis tn albuguergue nm new orleans fl or at plante places 42n, 35n, 30n, 3n, 5s, 24s, 30s, 33s, 43s, 60s, +- 3 degree
The most important astrology events for this period is the ingress of Mars into Libra, this expected to happen: for Aug 19th 2008 with beginning time at 10:00 G.M.T or U.T. and ending time at Aug 20th 2008 at time 13:00 G.M.T or U.T. possible accidents on public transportations from loosing control and wrong communications, perhaps on sea trip with injuries maybe from explosions and fire.
UK soldier killed in Afghan blast
21η Αυγούστου 2008 – Aug 21st 2008
Possible places only for that prediction:
port moresby copenhagen uk london glasgow edinburgh belgium brussels italy rome israel gaza strip egypt sinai afghanistan kabul somalia north, senegal dakar, indonesia java, vietnam japan osaka australia new castle chile santiago argentina rosario mendoza brazil rio de janeiro venezuela east, canal panama by atlantic side, usa little rock ar los angeles ca greece crete island finland helsinki sweden malmo, or at planet places at 68n, 64n, 61n, 55n, 51n, 41n, 34n, 27n, 24n, 9n, 9s, 24s, 32s, ± 3 degree.
The most important astrological influence for this period are between the Mercury and Venus and ingress of Sun into Virgo, this is excepted to happen: for Aug 21st 2008, with beginning time at Aug 21st 2008 at time 06:30 G.M.T or U.T. and ending time on Aug 22nd 2008 at time 18:15 G.M.T or U.T. possible strong earthquake activities, military actions with injuries. Perhaps sea accidents on trip from mistakes with mass injuries. Sabotage with explosion and fire with injuries.
Strike 'killed 60 young Afghans
(60 children and 30 adults were killed in a US air strike in western Afghanistan last Friday, the United Nations says.)
23η Αύγουστου 2008 – Aug 23rd 2008
Possible places only for that prediction:
minsk kiev egypt sinai belgium turkey ankara cyprus al kuwait oman senegal dakar madagascar india bombay delhi surat thailand bangkok indonesia bangladesh dacca peru lima brazil rio de janeiro sao paolo. or at planet places 60n, 53n, 50n, 29n, 23n, 14n, 12s, 15s, 19s, 23s, 28s, 54s, 59s, ± 3 degree
The most important astrological associations for this period are between Mercury Uranus, Venus Uranus, Venus Neptune, this expected to happen: for Aug 23rd Aug 2008, with beginning time on Aug 23rd 2008 at time 02:00 G.M.T or U.T. and ending time on Aug 24th Aug 2008 at time 16:00 G.M.T or U.T. military actions from religious people perhaps with self-sacrifice attack and mass injured, use weapons blast and fire, possible victims youth people at school age.
26η Αύγουστου 2008 – Aug 26th 2008
Possible places only for that prediction:
berlin holland uk turkey egypt cairo greece central peloponessus poland ethiopia siera leone uganda madagascar japan india bombay indonesia sumatra java south korea seoul, cambodia phompenh vietnam saigon, austarlia cairns melbourne tasmania bolivia la paz peru lima brazil fortaleza goiana brazilia venezuela caracas panama usa los angeles, or at planet places 60n, 52n, 46n, 37n, 18n, 11n, 10n, 8n, 0n, 5s, 9s, 11s, 16s, 19s, ± 3 degree
For this period the moon has the most important astrological influence, this expected to happen: for Aug 26th 2008 with beginning time on Aug 25th 2008 at time 05:00 G.M.T or U.T. and ending time on Aug 26th 2008 at time 22:00 G.M.T or U.T. possible accidents on public transportations with injuries from explosion and fire, perhaps on sea trip. Strong undersea level earthquake, perhaps near on coastline. Military actions with loosing control and injuries.
Plane crashes in Kyrgyz capital ("The plane took off and then it lost pressure," said Mr Chudinov. It crashed at 2040 (1440 GMT). )
'Scores dead' in Pakistan clashes
("around 75 -100 militants attacked Tiarza fort and Tiarza Bridge Check Post in South Waziristan" late on Tuesday.)
28η Αύγουστου 2008 – Aug 28th 2008
Possible places only for that prediction:
greece aegean sea naxos island israel geneva turkey instabul izmir italy rome napoli uk glasgow edinburgh london prague vilnius moscow denmark kobenaven libya banghazi zaire gongo uganda botwuana cape town india bombay indonesia borneo sumatra japan sendai iwaki brazil campo grande fortaleza salvador belo horizonte chile santiago pru lima colombia cali mendelin mexico puebla de zaragota mexico city uruguay buenos aires argentina cordoba eguador, or at planet places 63, 56n, 55n, 52n, 50n, 40n, 32n, 19n, 0n, 20s, 31s, 49s, 5s, ± 3 degree
The most important astrological influence for this period is between mercury Pluto, this is excepted to happen: for Aug 28th 2008, with beginning time on Aug 27th 2008 at time 20:00 G.M.T or U.T. and ending time on Aug 28th 2008 at time 13:30 G.M.T or U.T. possible strong earthquake activities with injuries, is possible the accidents on refinery base with blast and fire and loosing control. Also is possible the accidents on trip on public transportations from explosions. Possible sabotage or assassination on leader person or military action with injuries and facts out of control.
30η Αύγουστου 2008 – Aug 30th 2008
Possible places only for that prediction:
prague france marseille channe liberia ivory coast cameroon pakistan karachi s. arabia suhar indonesia borneo java bali brunei borneo brazil sao paolo fortaleza santos chile santiago bolivia peru border with colombia usa portland me france paris, uk edinburgh australia sydney alice springs perth, or at planet places at 64n, 61n, 60n, 56n, 50n, 46n, 24n, 05n, 03s, 23s, 46s, 50s, ± 3 degree
The most important astrological events for this period is the Venus ingress into Libra, this is expect to happen: for Aug 30th 2008, with beginning time on Aug 29th 2008 at time 17:00 G.M.T or U.T. and ending time on Aug 30th 2008 at time 19:00 G.M.T or U.T. possible undersea level earthquake activities, also is possible the accidents on public transportations, military actions with mass injuries.
Σάββατο 20 Σεπτεμβρίου 2008
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