An Introduction to Hellenistic Astrology
This is a four part course that is presented through an online course site that each student gains access to upon registering for the course.
In order to register for the course simply pay for it using one of the PayPal buttons on this page and then you will receive an email with your login information for the course site shortly afterwards.
Course Description
The purpose of this course is to provide an introduction to the ancient Hellenistic tradition of astrology, which is a tradition of horoscopic astrology that was practiced from the 1st century BCE until approximately the early 7th century CE. The course covers the history and origins of the early tradition of horoscopic astrology, as well as the philosophical, theoretical and technical underpinnings of the system. Students will finish the course with a strong foundation in the history, techniques and practice of Hellenistic astrology, and with plenty of new techniques and practical material to apply to their own astrological practice.
Each portion of the course contains detailed readings from a course manual that was written specifically for the class, as well as additional optional reading assignments from recommended books and detailed slide show presentations with accompanying hour-long audio lectures in MP3 format that cover the basic concepts addressed during each part of the course.
A Brief Overview of Hellenistic Astrology
Here is a brief introductory video on Hellenistic astrology, in order to provide you with some background information on the subject:
Synopsis of Each Part of the Course
Part One
The first part of the course is historical and philosophical in nature, and in it we cover the historical undercurrents which fostered the creation and evolution of Hellenistic astrology. Topics such as the origins of astrology, its legendary founders, mystery schools present in the early tradition, and the different philosophies underlying the system are discussed.
Part Two
The second part of the course focuses on the technical apparatus of Hellenistic astrology, with an overview of the core concepts of the system such as the Thema Mundi, whole sign houses, the Hellenistic aspect doctrine, sect, lots (otherwise known as the so-called "Arabic Parts"), and numerous other important concepts. In this week several completely new astrological concepts are introduced to those who have not previously been initiated into the Hellenistic system, and other concepts that are still used in modern astrology are presented in a much different light in order to provide a basis for a more precise approach to concrete predictive astrology.
Part Three
The third part of the course covers the so-called 'universal techniques', direct timing methods, and provides an introduction to a powerful Hellenistic time-lord system known as Annual Profections, with its advanced application in chart delineation. This part of the course introduces several very important and precise timing techniques that are quite foreign to modern astrology, yet rather powerful and revealing when applied to chart delineation.
Annual Profections is the name given to the most widespread 'time-lord' technique that was used by almost every major astrologer in the Hellenistic tradition.
The premise of the Hellenistic time-lord techniques is that not all planets and placements in a given natal chart are operating at their fullest potential at any given moment in time, but rather, there are specific periods in a native's life when certain planets or points in the chart become 'awakened' or 'activated', thus drawing out the full potential of those natal placements. From a Hellenistic perspective this is the reason why sometimes astrologers will see an important looking transit coming up in the future, but then the date will go by without anything major happening, or with the event happening in a way that is much different than what was anticipated. In order for a transiting planet to produce a specific event or occurence in a person's life, it must be activated as a time-lord at the time of the transit.
The Annual Profections time-lord technique is used in order to determine exactly when certain planets will be activated in a native's life in a given year, thus allowing the astrologer to pinpoint the most important transits that will actually coincide with an event. Annual Profections also provide the context for interpreting transits, in order to determine which area of the native's life a specific transit will be relevant towards (i.e. finances, children, career, relationships, etc.). For example, with this information the astrologer is more fully equipped to be able to say whether an upcoming Venus retrograde period will coincide with a major transition in the native's life with respect to relationships, or if instead they will simply change careers. The ability to study transits contextually is an improtant overall feature of any transit analysis, and without it the study of transits is significantly hindered.
In the course we explore one of the more advanced approaches to Annual Profections that did not survive into the Medieval and Modern traditions of astrology, so as to provide each student with a more systematic and accurate method for predicting precise events about the future.
Part Four
The fourth section of the course covers a second time-lord technique calledZodiacal Releasing, which is one of the most powerful and accurate time-lord systems that has been recovered to date.
Zodiacal Releasing is used in order to divide a native's life into broad spans of time or chapters, with each chapter being ruled by a specific sign of the zodiac and a specific planet. In the course students will learn how the technique is used primarily in order to study 'peak periods' in a native's life with respect to certain topics, and it can be used in order to determine some of the most important times in a person's life with respect to things such as their career or love life.
When used in coordination with Annual Profections and transits, Zodiacal Releasing provides astrologers with a powerful system for determining information about the course of a native's life, and in this way astrology once again becomes a reliable tool for predicting the future.
Note: Annual Profections and Zodiacal Releasing are also available as modules that can be purchased seprately from the introduction to Hellenistic astrology course. For more information see the Annual Profections module page or the Zodiacal Releasing module page.
Flexible Participation Requirements
Since the course is presented online each person is able to adapt it to their own schedule. Once registered for the course each student will gain unlimited access to the course site, thus allowing them to work with the material at their own pace. There are no specific times that students need to be available for the course, and the completion of assignments is optional.
Each week students may choose to participate in the class and get feedback by responding to study board question in the student forums, or by completing short optional written assignment on the topics covered during a particular part of the course. Some students choose to do a final project by writing up a chart delineation of a cultural icon or historical figure using the Hellenistic techniques that were covered during in the course, or by writing an essay on one of the historical or philosophical topics that were addressed. Others do not complete the assignments, but instead focus on studying the material provided in the course, since there are very few sources for learning Hellenistic astrology at the present time, and the course provides a unique and exciting learning opportunity.
Accessing the Course
The entire course is presented over the internet through interactive online software that each student gains access to upon registration. A new group of students start on the first day of each month, although new students can register and gain early access to the course site at anytime. Since the course is presented online there are no specific times that students will need to be available for the course, and each person is able to study at their own pace. When a new student registers for the course they will be emailed a user name and a password upon shortly thereafter and they will be able to log in to the course site that contains all of the materials immediately and study at their leisure.
Additional Recommended Reading Material
The course presents quite a bit of material and concepts online, and it should prove to be quite intellectually stimulating and challenging for anyone who is interested in this material and wants to learn about the early tradition of horoscopic astrology. All of the required reading material is available on the course site itself and may be viewed or downloaded by the students once they log in. However, there are a few highly recommended books that students can get to supplement the required reading material for the course if they have the time and would like to spend the extra money. The recommended reading list will be provided to students upon registration for the course. Ordering the additional books through online retailers usually costs somewhere between $40-80 USD.
Registering for the Course
If you would like to register for the course, receive more information, or if you just have a question then please contact Chris Brennan through his email address listed on the contact page. The price for the introduction to Hellenistic astrology course is currently $100 USD, and you can register for it by contacting Chris Brennan and then using one of the Paypal 'buy now' buttons located on this page in order to pay for the course.
Once you have registered and paid for the course you will receive your log in information by email, as well as a link to access the course site.
How is payment handled?
Payment is handled through PayPal, and as soon as you are ready to start the course all you have to do to register is use one of the PayPal 'buy now' buttons located on this page. As soon as your payment has been received you will get an email with your login information and password for the course site.
Paypal is a very easy and secure method of transferring funds over the internet. As part of the ordering process you will be directed to the Paypal website for payment. If you do not already have an account with Paypal then you will be given the option of opening an account with them or making a secure payment using your existing credit card. Paypal is a free service which allows you to send money from your bank account or credit card to anyone with an email address in over 40 countries.
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